Aquatic bike made of carbon and titanium. Generating a thrust of about 1 meter second or 3.6 km per hour. Have as much fun in the sea as you want.
Technical description
Color Grey
Type of material Various
Batteries included ? no
Manufacturer reference 1001001
durable and reliable: carbon and titanium
Item weight 3.5 kilograms
Product description
Seabike is a new kind of underwater propeller, simple and ecological. As fast as an electric model and using the most powerful muscle group of the human being, Seabike allows you to move underwater longer than any other means and without causing fatigue to the ligaments. With its intuitive handling and easy use, Seabike will transform your underwater movements into an aquatic game. Seabike is adjustable in length which allows it to be adjusted to your size. The speed of displacement is of the order of the meter per second (3,6 km/h), while consuming less energy than with a pair of palms. This means you stay underwater longer and the stress on ligaments is eliminated.